
Dear People

So there is this big trend going around blogs right now called "Dear Boys". At first I thought it was kinda dumb but I think I am starting to like it more and more and I think that I will give it a go and see what happens.....except I'm gonna do it my way, cuz I'm Allie. Instead of limiting to just boys, it will also be including girls. But nobody will be able to tell which is which. Ha! Anyways, here goes nothing:

Dear Wilson,
I liked you alot better before you started showing your face.
Weirded out,
Tim "The Toolman" Taylor

Dear Kermit,
Its true. I'm into you. You're mine and everyone else better back off or I'm gonna go ninja on them!
Miss Piggy

Dear Nacho,
You're fat. You smell bad. You can't cook worth a crap. But man, can you make me laugh! Let's have some toast some time! My place? 

Dear Peanut Butter,
You're sticky and kinda gross alone. Don't you think we work so much better together? :)
Awaiting our playdate,

Dear Jasmine,
I don't need you to take care of me! I'm an adult and I'm potty trained. I don't need you to hover over me. Sheesh!

Dear Iron,
Thanks for getting all the kinks out of me. You're pretty hot and do exactly what you are made to do. Unfortunately, you are just too quiet and only have like 3 functions. But thanks for everthing else!
Crisp and clean,
Wrinkly Shirt

Dear Caffeine,
SHUT UP!!!! 
Now deaf,

....that's all I got, I'm afraid....