We ended our trip at a friend's friend's family's house and they let us come crash their backyard which had a swimming pool, hot tub, trampoline, swing set, volleyball court, guest house, etc. Great way to end our fun week.
We went on a fun hike in the red rocks of St. George.
Brianne, me, and Morgan playing on an escalator in one of the malls in Vegas sometime after midnight. Oh, Amber was playing too, but she was taking the picture, so you can't see her....
We ate dinner at the Sugar Factor on the strip in Vegas. It was AMAZING!!!
Posing by the lady M&M at M&M World in Vegas.
Sunburn! :s
Sunset at Newport Beach
Me, Amber, and Morgan having fun along the shore at Newport Beach
Our full spring break group! I seriously LOVE these people!
John, Trevor, Brianne, and Morgan eating dinner at In 'N Out. Yum!
Besties! Brianne, Trevor, Steve, Morgan, me, and John...and I cannot forget Amber, who is taking the picture. She's a bestie too! :D...oh, and I dunno why Ben isn't in this pic, but he's included too.
Ben, Steve, me, John, and Morgan along the shore of Sunset Beach
Sunset at Sunset Beach, how appropriate
Sunset just outside Knotts Berry Farm. Aren't Steve and John so good looking?! Ah, I cannot get over it! ;)
Steve, SNOOPY, me, and Ben at Knotts. I LOVE SNOOPY!!!
Happy Weeny Family...except Steve apparently.
Well, there you have it. Oh man, this was SUCH a great week. It was a blast! Ahhhh....