
What Would I Say? FB app

There is a new app of Facebook called "What Would I Say". It compiles all your previous status and then creates future things you would say. You can do it for yourself here: I spend like 2 hours on it and just laughed and laughed.

Here are some of my favorites:

  • This isn't a trailer but it still works. 
  • And that monkey guy has been the BEST thing in obscure places.
  • There goes 11 inches of my JuJu...
  • Ending the *Make a Wish* facility and drinking apple cider! 
  • Its like a fabulously toned calf muscle. 
  • Remember when life cereal = a fibery bowl of my heart! 
  • They got my Jamba Juice, the Westboro Baptist Church have the sheet music!
  • Finally dusted off my large muscles!
  • Ugh. Never a dull moment when I sliced my finger open but I know who came because Ali loves sloths. 
  • Ever see me in a blizzard in the Gulf of Mexico!
  • You treat me like such a boob...
  • Wanna know the phrase Houston, we have free passes to Yellowstone.
  • And they didn't even give her a quilt!
  • You all know where chickens can dance...
  • Friends are better than cuddling with my Tues/Thurs classes. 
  • Village Inn after class and how it's gonna be like, I wonder...
  • Looks like a root canal. And I was like Holy happy Friday!
  • He's so rad!
  • Sending prayers for her nostrils....
  • Fear makes your behind melt
  • Braden strutting, Jordan creeping.....
  • Your invitations have been pretty jam packed with clothes. Today, I love girls.
  • What a great comfort! We discussed how busy police are hobo spiders!
  • Oh how I have my gosh!
  • He lives in great experiences!
  • Next time, hopefully I'll remember when someone got cankles today!
  • Breakfast Special K cereal + Cinnamon Life cereal = a car!!!
  • Man, what inspiration! I'm getting addicted...
  • I'm not married, but people will forget vava balls of awesomeness and the top of a pig squealing sounds immediately following.