

There comes a time in your life when you just have to take a step back and re-evaluate your life. You have to question yourself; are you the person you want to be or working towards becoming so? What really matters to you? What are you willing to fight for? Who matters and who doesn't? Where are you going?

I have really taken a step back the past week or so and realized a couple of things about myself. Because this is my blog and I live in America and have freedom of speech, I am going to tell you what I have learned about myself.

  • I really care alot about people. Probably more than need-be. I genuinely care about others' welfare and happiness. If I feel like I can contribute to making their day a little brighter, I try to take that opportunity, mostly just secretly though. 
  • Piggy-backing the previous, I do not like disliking people. If I feel like I am starting to dislike someone, I feel like the way to cure that is to get to know that person better. You can't dislike someone that you understand.
  • I can be a very powerful influence for good. I have to potential to teach others and help them make good and righteous decisions if they so choose to confide in me. 
  • I am WAY too loud for my own good. I laugh loud, I talk loud, I sing loud, I whisper loud....I need to definitely be more still and need to turn on the "gentle" switch on my vocal chords. 
  • I truly love helping others. I feel so important when others feel like they can confide in me and are able to lean on me for anything. I dunno if it's selfish or not, but I would rather deal with other people's issues (or rather help them through their issues) than deal with my own. I tend to get consumed in my own problems when I'm not helping someone else. 
  • I need to be more organized. The last month or so, I have just left my stuff all over my apartment and had a messy bedroom, etc. I tend to get that way when I'm stressed, which is ironic because I feel so much more at peace when everything is in it's place. 
  • I love cooking. So much. Probably because I like eating. And I like being able to control what I eat. 
  • I adore my family. I stink at letting them know how much I love them, but I seriously would be so incredibly lost without them and their support. They mean everything to me. 
  • The Lord loves me. He is mindful of me and my afflictions and the yearnings of my soul. I really need to focus more on Him and serve Him better. Hopefully by my new efforts in helping others I can find a way to bring others closer to Him as well.
  • I find PDA (public display of affection) revolting. Barf-a-rama! Go find a freaking room!
  • My roommates are so amazing! I love Morgan and Kami and Amber SO much! The Lord clearly knew what He was doing when He put us together.
  • I can let go and still be okay.