This movie is based on the true story of Bethany Hamilton, the pro surfer who lost her arm do to a shark attack. I wasn't expecting much from this film because I hadn't heard hardly anything about it and hadn't seen any advertising for it. But let me tell you something: This is one of the best films I have ever seen. Aside from the story itself, the quality of the film was fantastic. There was not a single swear word nor anything that would prevent viewers of all age to watch this (except the actual shark attack, which could be scary for young kids). Another thing I really loved about this film is the emphasis on God. A huge majority of this movie was about God's plan for us as individuals and how we can't see the big picture. This movie was truly inspirational and I cried through pretty much the entire thing, honestly. I strongly encourage this movie. Watch it with your family and friends. Click below the watch the trailer.
Ebook Télécharger , by Yves PICHARD
6 years ago