
Hidden in Christ

I just came across a quote on a friend's facebook page that was just like a slap in the face to me. It touched me so much that I am now blogging about it! Here's the quote:

"A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man has to seek Him to find her."

OH MAH GOSH!!! Is that not like most brilliant thing you have ever heard?!
Maybe I'm just a little crazy here, but I seriously cannot even describe how much I love this. I can guarantee that in the matter of minutes, this quote will be posted on my bathroom mirror so
that every time I look at myself, I can have a fantastic reminder how I am and who loves me more than anyone else possibly can. I am a daughter of God and I will stand as a witness of Him at all times and in all things and in all places! Hopefully, with all the free time I have this summer, I become better at losing myself in His love and becoming a better servant to Him. I will become worthy of the love He has for me.

To finish, I just have one more quote I found that I really liked:
"Dance with God. He'll let the perfect man cut in."