Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! :)
1. Family. I could literally go on for hours about how thankful I am for my family and everything we've had to endure together throughout the years. I love them so much and would not be who I am today without their love and faith in me.
2. Friends. I've always placed a huge value on my friends my entire life. I have been very blessed to have come into contact with them and am grateful that not everyone hates me.
3. Technology. Facebook, Youtube, Wikipedia, IMDB, cell phone, iPod....I seriously do not know how people 50 years ago kept themselves entertained. What did they do in the summer? How in the heck would you get a hold of someone?
4. Food. I love cooking food, smelling food, eating food, creating food, decorating food. I love food. I love everything about food. I just wish it didn't add on pounds and was cheaper.
5. My job. I have the most perfect job in the world right now. I don't make much but I love what I do and love going to work everyday. I love the people I work with and I love learning something new everyday! I also love that my job lets me be independent and helps me provide for myself.
6. Blankets. There is nothing better than getting into bed each night and just cuddling up with my big duvet. Or wrapping up in it when I'm cold or reading a book or watching a movie. Its also great to share your blanket with someone.
7. Water. Um, H2O is seriously fantastic! It cleans you inside and out. You can put it in any container. Its so refreshing. Its cool to look at and listen to.
8. Hope. I am thankful for the hope of better days. I cling onto hope quite tightly these days and am thankful for the opportunity I have to even have it.
9. Electricity. I'd die without electricity. Seriously. I'd freeze, starve, be lonely, be late, etc. I rely on electricity more than I even realize.
10. Chapstick. There is nothing worse than having burning, irritated lips. The relief that chapstick provides is almost unmatchable. I wish I could high-five the inventor of chapstick.
Ebook Télécharger , by Yves PICHARD
6 years ago