Take a look at the following photos:
WHY?!?! Guess what girls? The buns in these pictures are NOT attractive! You look like an idiot. This look says "I am lazy. I don't know how to do my hair. I want a bird to come crap on my head!"
I saw this girl on campus today with the most ridiculous high bun I have ever seen. Not even two minutes later, I saw ANOTHER girl with a super crapped up excuse for a bun.
Girls, there is a difference between a ballerina bun and a messy bun. A messy bun DOES NOT belong on the crown of your head or any higher. It makes you look ridiculous. Nobody wants to see that, so please stop embarrassing yourself. Now, don't get me wrong; I am not saying that messy buns are ugly or bashing against them in any way. I think they are super cute and make life a lot easier if i don't feel like doing anything with my hair. However, I am bashing against messy buns on top of your head. I think that they seriously just look so stupid!