
Quotes That Seem Significant to Me Right Now

People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel.
-Maya Angelou

Trust is, everybody is going to hurt you. You just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.
-Bob Marely

Always behave like a duck - keep calm and unruffled on the surface, but paddle like crazy underneath.

I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes. I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.
-Marilyn Monroe

Dear People

So there is this big trend going around blogs right now called "Dear Boys". At first I thought it was kinda dumb but I think I am starting to like it more and more and I think that I will give it a go and see what happens.....except I'm gonna do it my way, cuz I'm Allie. Instead of limiting to just boys, it will also be including girls. But nobody will be able to tell which is which. Ha! Anyways, here goes nothing:

Dear Wilson,
I liked you alot better before you started showing your face.
Weirded out,
Tim "The Toolman" Taylor

Dear Kermit,
Its true. I'm into you. You're mine and everyone else better back off or I'm gonna go ninja on them!
Miss Piggy

Dear Nacho,
You're fat. You smell bad. You can't cook worth a crap. But man, can you make me laugh! Let's have some toast some time! My place? 

Dear Peanut Butter,
You're sticky and kinda gross alone. Don't you think we work so much better together? :)
Awaiting our playdate,

Dear Jasmine,
I don't need you to take care of me! I'm an adult and I'm potty trained. I don't need you to hover over me. Sheesh!

Dear Iron,
Thanks for getting all the kinks out of me. You're pretty hot and do exactly what you are made to do. Unfortunately, you are just too quiet and only have like 3 functions. But thanks for everthing else!
Crisp and clean,
Wrinkly Shirt

Dear Caffeine,
SHUT UP!!!! 
Now deaf,

....that's all I got, I'm afraid....

Goodbye Semester from Hell!

WORST semester of my LIFE!!!!

What a fluke of a school semester! Holy time management issues! Terrible group projects. Boy drama. Ridiculous professors. Crappy family issues. And holy-freaking-crap-my-social-life. What the??? Looking back, I feel like I was nothing but a downer this whole semester. Totally not me, totally not Allie. I'm done with that impostor. I want her dead.

And that, dear friends, is why I am overwhelmingly excited for this break and upcoming semester. Time to refresh and renew myself. A time to start over and have a clean slate...sorta. This is the first time in my life that I have been excited to make New Years Resolutions. I haven't made any for years because I never follow through with them. But this year is different. This year, I am SO excited to make goals and to have something I am working towards. This new year is going to be different because I am going to be different. You most likely will be hearing all about my resolutions in the next few weeks. I have even contemplated making an entire page on this blog to remind myself throughout the year that I have goals to be working on. I dunno, I just have this weird urge to be focusing on new things and different aspects of life. I don't want to forget the feelings I am feeling right this second. And I haven't even made up my goals yet!!! Weird!

Flash Mob

Ok everyone. I have a new goal in life: To participate / witness a flash mob. I seriously think that that would be one of the coolest things in the entire world. I mean, watch this video:

Isn't that freaking amazing?! I can't get over it! I wanna do this way bad! Maybe I can convince my friends in the stairwell to do a flash mob somewhere awesome, like the USU library or Walmart or Taco Bell. Shrug. But seriously, I wanna do something like this WAY bad!!!! 

This is a good one too! 

No Candy for Me

I feel like a child who's parent brings them into a candy shop. I am so excited, looking at all the candy and I start to salivate. I seriously cannot wait to place something sugary and delicious in my mouth. My parent keeps pointing out how delicious this candy looks and tells me that anyone who eats this candy must be so lucky! Me and the parent go from candy to candy and talk about how wonderful this candy is going to be and my excitement grows and grows. Then, abruptly, the parent's enthusiasm is completely gone with a smirk and I am told that I am not good enough to have candy. I offer to buy my own candy, but the cashier also tells me that I am not good enough to have candy. But nobody will tell me why. Out of all the confusion, I can only come up with one conclusion:

I can no longer trust the parent or the cashier. The taunting has become too much. Its time to withdrawal.