

Wow. The weirdest thing is happening. My sister, Kristi, got engaged today! Its totally crazy! I mean, yeah, of course I like the dude and he's perfect for her. I completely approve of their togetherness. Its just...weird. And that is the best way I can think of how to describe it. She is my first sibling to get married and its just weird to think of her getting married. Where have all the years gone? Why did we spend so much of that time torturing each other? Ugh! Its just weird. Things are gonna be so different... but its all good. I'm ready, so bring it on!!!

I Guess I'm Not Old Yet :)

When I get all my homework done, I have actually quite a bit of spare time on my hands, thank goodness. Well, the other night, I was talking to one of my friends. She is cheering at CEU this year and is struggling just a tad, so we were talking about about cheerleading. Its been forever since I've cheered or even danced so I didn't know if my body could handle various jumps, kicks, etc. Lol, I was very surprised to see that I actually have some "cheerfulness" left in me :) Go Eagles!


This year for Halloween, we went trick or treating for the food bank and had lots of fun doing it! Garrett and Stevie went as Danny and Sandy, Whitney went as a model, Jacob was at first an Arab and then decided to be Jewish. Shrug. And I was an 80s rock star! It was tons of fun! After trick or treating, Jake and I picked up Chris and we went to the haunted forest in Huntington.

Here's Stevie, Whitney, and Me :)